We have had a busy Halloween week. Translation-long post.
On Saturday the 25th we went to the Community Carnival. Colter was excited to get to wear his costume. He was Peter Pan and Brooklyn was Tinkerbell. Colter played some games. His favorite was the scat cat. The person would hand you 4 various shoes and you throw them trying to knock cats of a fence. There was also a haunted house. Nick took Colter through and surprisingly Colter didn't cry or have nightmares that night.
Sunday-Ahh, relax.
On Monday we went to the circus. Yes, that's right a circus here in Bagdad Arizona. It was alright. Definitely not a Ringling Brothers...what would you expect from a circus in Bagdad. Our kids loved it. Colter has been trying to juggle all week. Brooklyn learned how to clap. We left half way through because it was 8 and had an hour and a half left. We probably miss some cool stuff, I mean Hannah Montana was singing when we left:) I just didn't think she was 3 and a half feet tall. The ad said there was going to be animals from Madagascar, and I was thinking of all the cool, rare animals that live on the island of Madagascar. Well it was a person in a lion costume from the movie Madagascar. The jugglers were good, except for the 8 or 9 times he would drop it. Nick now wants our kids to see a real circus.
On Tuesday Colter, Brooklyn and I went to Christa's house. Christa and I made spider cupcakes while the kids played. Also on Tuesday 2 more of Brooklyn's teeth came out. I didn't even know she was teething(women are tougher with pain even from infancy is my philosophy).
On Wednesday we went to the ward carnival/trunker treat. There were quite a few games. One had gold fish as a prize. Last year our fish survived for less than a day. I'm glad that Colter didn't get any this year. Our YW/RS had a touch and feel room called fear factory. It was pretty cool. There was a brain(cauliflower), hearts(canned whole tomatoes), guts(noodles with jello), eyes(peeled grapes), scabs(the grape skins), fingernails(sunflower seed shells), and maggots(overcooked rice with oil). There was also a haunted gingerbread village that the ym made, and jars of specimens. I should have taken picture, but I forgot. There best part was Rebeca had her head stuck through a candy bowl and would scare everyone when they went to get candy on the way out.
On Thursday Nick had to go to a stake primary training meeting in Prescott. Colter and I carved pumpkins while he was gone. Of course Brooklyn was right there to taste everything. She actually like gnawing on the pumpkin flesh.
Then finally on Friday it was Halloween! There was a home football game, so most people went trick or treating early, that was nice. Nick went to Phoenix to paintball with some pals(I see where his priorities are). We went with the Brimhalls and Colter was excited to go with Logan and Canyon. They were a cactus and a little Mexican man. It was so cute. We also went to Tara and Drew Johnson's for a Halloween party. They go ALL out for Halloween. I'm glad my kids don't get easily scared because they had lots of creepy things in their house. My favorite was the lamp flickered.
Now we(at least me) are ready for a weekend of nothingness.