Last night...or this morning, I went to see Twilight. It was the first midnight showing I've been too. It was great!!!!! There's no other way to say it, well maybe excellent, awesome, fabulous, wonderful, etc. We (Christa, Becky, Sarah, & Sarah) got to the theater extra early to get good seats. We were lucky because we didn't have to wait outside in a line. We spent most of the waiting time, about 2 1/2 hours, sitting in our seats. I have to say that from seeing the trailers I was disapointed in the choice of Edward. He wasn't the way I imagined Edward. I can now see why he was chosen, he was sensational!!! He did soooo good as Edward. I think my favorite was Jasper. He really looked like he was painfully holding his breath. As with any movie made from a book, the book was better. I do have 2 disapointments that it wasn't 2 hours longer and that the second isn't out. So go out and see the movie and if your reading this and haven't read the book, read the book-well all of them and then go see the movie!
yay I am so excited to hear this!! I can hardly wait! I really wish I could have seen it with you guys!!
i'm so glad we went! i had so much fun and that we went at midnight with all the twi-hards. it was giddy and fun! i loved all the comments people were making like "kiss her already!" ah yea!
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