Brooklyn has a new habit which is making me develop a screaming habit. She sticks her hands down her nasty poopy diapers. I know your totally jealous of my life. I have tried everything I can think of shy of hand cuffing her hands behind her back. It doesn't matter what she's wearing. She's learned how to take off her clothes. I really wouldn't mind it if after she took them off she put them in the hamper and put on clean clothes...Anyways back to the poop. Without fail this is the scene I see at least once a day. I go to see what Brooklyn's doing. She'll be sitting in a room by herself with her hand down her diaper and pulling poop out. So I know your thinking nasty but I'll take it a step further and show you the pictures to prove it.
1. Get a suit of armour in her size.

2. Potty train her
I'm leaning towards the suit of armour
okay gross. Logan thinks it is funny though. I don't have suggestions. I don't think kids should ever go potty until they are potty trained. And I wish there was a place to take them to be potty trained.
HAHAHA! Oh my goodness....I'm so sorry Dest! I was very lucky Sam never did this. I hope I get that lucky with all my kids.
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