Tuesday, October 28, 2008

6 Quirks

Ok, since I've been tagged with this twice, I should probably do it. It was hard to think of my own quirks. And unlike John, Nick wouldn't help me, I think he did want to get in trouble. He said sweet things like "I don't think about your quirks, they are part of you and I love you."

1. I hate tomatoes. I cant stand cutting the and feeling them and cant stand them on sandwiches, salads, stews, etc. But I love chunky salsa with chunks of tomatoes.

2. I have to have the bed made before getting in. There's even been times when I go to bed after Nick's asleep and I take of the sheet and blanket and remake the bed with him in it.

3. I don't like touching feet or anyone touching mine. I would never give or receive a pedicure. I won't even let Nick touch my feet.

4. I am very forgetful. I'll write lists of thing to do or buy. I'll forget where the list is or forget to bring it to the store.

5. I have a hard time finishing a project before starting a new one. Right now I have 2 craft projects going and am looking for a new one.

6. I can't say specific. Well...I can now-I've practiced. I have to think about how to say it before I say it slowly. I won't use it in casual conversation because it doesn't always come out sounding right.

I tag Jennie Davenport, Christa Johnson, Crystal Kestler, Alyssa Mangum, and Cim Alder.

1 comment:

Alyssa Mangum said...

how does this work now I have to put my quirks on my blog I have never been tagged