This weekend we were going to stay home, but of course we didn't. Nick had to work in Morenci on Saturday and Monday. So we spent the weekend and part of the week there...well in Pima. Colter had a lot of fun. I think the earliest he went to bed the whole time was 9:30. And of course he was always up by 7. Both him and Brooklyn slept the whole car trip, so now I'm the only one exausted from the trip. I'm a slacker and didn't take any pictures, but I'll tell you the highlights. Colter and Riley played. Zorro played with Mia, Steven and Cim's great dane-very funny. Colter and Riley played. Brooklyn got stuck in a shelf. We stayed up late playing cards with some friends (ok...we're getting old it was only til 9:30). Colter and Riley played. Well you get the picture. As we were leaving Pima yesterday Colter was asking if we could go back to Rileys house.
It was a fun weekend but I'm sad that I missed our RS service auction and conference. I am ready to stay home and not have to pack for any more trips...Oh and being waited on hand and foot, but I'm realistic and probably neither one will happen. I think we have the first weekend in 2010 set aside for us to stay home. And maybe when I'm in a nursing home I'll get waited on, but by then I won't remember the next day.
Oh no little girls play in dirt also. I guess it doesn't matter what I have then. She is getting big though.
I love your new layout!
Hahah! I love this one. Its funny that they are just blobs and then poof! they are kids destroyin' the place. I dont know how you keep up with this thing. I wish I was as good as you at doin this.
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